location : banceuy street

Mental Health Efforts in Indonesia

Treatment on mental patients in the past in the Indonesia was unknown in certain. However, mental patients were housed in the hospital, civil hospital, or the military during the Dutch colonial era. The number of people with mental disorders was increasingly pushing the government at that time to establish the first mental hospital in Bogor on July 1, 1982 (now a hospital Marzoeki Mahdi). Next ahospital established in Lawang (June 23, 1902), RSJ Magelang (1923), and hospital Sabang (1927).

In the Dutch colonial period known 4 kinds of treatment place for mental patients:

1. Mental Hospital (Kranzinnigengestichen)

2. Temporary Hospital (Doorgangshuizen)

3. Temporary shelters for people with acute psychotic and return to home after recovery. For those who require long treatment, sent to a psychiatric hospital.

4. Care homes (Veerplegtehuiizen)

Serves as a psychiatric hospital but was headed by a nurse under registered supervision.

The colony was a shelter for people with mental disorders calmed down. Patients could work in agriculture and live within community. House owner (host) was given living costs and the patients were still under-surveillance. Such these houses built far from the city and the general public. Unfortunately, after the Japanese occupied Indonesia, mental health development could setbacks, and even psychiatric hospital located in Sabang destroyed.

During the year 1940 – 1990, the various movements of mental health changes occurred, including:

1. 1946: launching the Law of Mental Health

Changes occurred: establishment of a national pharmaceutical institute of mental health that supports research on intervention, psychiatric diagnosis, and prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

2. 1961: Commission President's health and mental disorders.

Changes that occur: legislative support for education for mental health professional staff including nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, and psychologists.

3. 1963: Launching the Law on the mental community health center.

Changes occurred: Deinstitutionalizing clients with chronic mental disorder moved from the institution (asylum) to the community rehabilitation center.

4. 1970-1980: emergence of interest in aspects of biology and neurobiology of mental disorders and treatment.Changes occurred: The emergence of third-generation psychotropic drugs increased the popularity of biological therapy.

5. 1990s: brain decade.

Changes occurred: Neurobiology and technology increasingly grew; identification of diagnostic studies, especially for innovative schizophrenia and mood disorders.

6. Year 1990s-early 20th century: the change in the economic and social reform of health services.

changes occured :

· Increasing of the number of homeless

· lack of legislative funding for primary prevention, secondary, and tertiary

· Global epidemic of AIDS

· The need for provision of health services systematically

· Development of a high risk of mental disorders in pregnant women

· Violence on women children, parents, and users of prohibited drugs.

Reference :

Yosep, Iyus. 2009. Keperawatan Jiwa. Edisi Revisi. Bandung : Refika Aditama.

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Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Assalamualaikum wr.wb hi.. i am Dila, Born in Jayapura, August 24th 1988. I am student at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Padjadjaran.